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Showing posts from December, 2017

Just That Kind of Day

As planned, I braved the below 0 temps yesterday and attempted to get some shots of my dogs. I did not dress the part, though, and my bare knee in my torn jeans actually stuck to the ice I so stupidly knelt on. I know, I know, I should be better prepared,  but my dogs just do not cooperate with me when it comes to sitting still and posing prettily, so when my teenager walked in the room and offered to help me out I thought I'd better grab the opportunity and fast. So this is about as good as it got yesterday: Then it turned into this: She loves loves loves to chase snow balls as much as she loves catching tennis balls or chasing rocks. She thinks it's her job, no joke. She is all business and extremely focused. My yard is too small to get any good shots of her in action, I'll be taking them to the mountains once it's above 20 degrees again. Hopefully I'll shoot some keepers then. But hey, my dog had a blast, so that's what matters.  My ot

Like I said, "Brrrrrrr!"

I hate that the cold weather is making the news, it is Maine, it is winter. As far as I'm concerned, anything under 40 is too cold. I mean, cold is cold, right? My poor cat refuses to use his litter box, holds it as long as he can, then jumps on the window screen and hangs there til I let him back inside. I should probably get a picture of that hahaha.  I pity my poor hubby out there trying to get some work done, most likely the skidder won't start anyway. Although it has warmed up to minus 3.  On the plus side, cold temps make for some pretty pictures. Crazy people out on the ice today, I can think of a million things I'd rather be doing than ice fishing, but to each his own!  The difference a month makes, eh? So I plan on getting some pics of my dogs in their cute sweaters later today, maybe when it warms up to 0. :) As always, check out and download my photos from istock/ Getty HERE And my shutterstock portfolio HERE And my Adobe portfolio H

Santa Brought Me a New Laptop!!!

Just a quick post. Hope everyone had a good Christmas! Santa was good to me, I have a new laptop, and Photoshop is installed and ready to go. Woohoo! I took these pics the day before Christmas Eve, very very very cold here in Maine, my fingers were freezing and I couldn't snap too many. Little did I know that it was going to get even colder. Minus 3 degrees here when I woke up, not counting the wind chill. Good day to stay indoors, too bad I am dying to get out there and get some pictures now that I can upload them again. Too bad Santa didn't bring me gloves. Guess I'm headed to Wal-Mart to get myself some warm clothing.  Hopefully I will be updating more often now.  Sold another photo on istock! Go me! :) Check out my Adobe portfolio HERE Or my Shutterstock portfolio HERE Or my istock/Getty portfolio HERE

It's been a while....

I'm thinking of changing the title of this blog to "Please Buy My Photos" hahaha. So, 7 have been downloaded,  which is 5 more than had been downloaded last time I checked, a month or so ago. I have to make $50 before I can even get the money out, sigh. I lost my enthusiasm,  mostly because my computer is unfixable, apparently.  Four kids, and four step kids, lots of Christmas gifts to buy, soooo. No computer for me for a while. Very time consuming trying to upload my photos to the various sites I use on a regular basis. But oh well! Life is good, things will start to fall into place eventually. I missed the first snow fall of the season here in Maine, but I'm pretty sure we will get more! Gotta get some great photos soon, and when I do, I will share them here, of course! Thanks for reading, hope you're having a fantastic day! You can check out and maybe even download my photos at any of these three places: Adobe Istock/Getty Shutterstock