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Showing posts from November, 2017


It's still only Fall, but man it is cold out there! Here in Maine we expect these cold temps, but we had quite a nice ride, temperatures in the sixties up until just a couple weeks ago. It's strange how 50 degrees feels so cold in November but down right balmy in April. My computer is still dead, I'm still borrowing my kids Apple laptop, which I hate because it confuses me, to be honest. It's the old chick in me. Thankfully I manage to figure out how to upload my pictures with it, which is all I need it for. Went to my favorite place to shoot yesterday, a local park with a lake, just a couple miles from my home. The trees look so barren, it will be a beautiful view as soon as we get some snow. Which may be tonight!  I uploaded 30 for Adobe, they accepted three, which is actually better than I expected. Adobe has my smallest portfolio, 21 pics, but they are the only one I have sold any at, so I keep trying. Like I said, I don't have a great ca

I'm Baaaàaaaacccck

UGH, in addition to having been so sick, my computer is also still dead. Dead dead. Which uninspired me. I've made two sales so far, which is sad and exciting at the same time. The beautiful,  vibrant fall colors never really happened here which also uninspired me. Took some amazing photos of my dog: Unfortunately, she is wearing an NFL Jets collar (J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets) so until I can get on a computer with Photoshop I can't sell them. Hubby is a Patriots fan and says he knew no good could come from a Jets collar. Pfft. I need to sell 1000 photos to fix my computer! Hahaha So, I have not been shooting a photo a day. In fact, I went an entire week without picking up my camera at all, which is sad. But I didn't see the point without being able to edit them at all before uploading to adobe, shutterstock or istock. To be honest, the landscape around me hasn't been very inspiring either. Dead leaves on the ground, trees bare. Hunters all through our woods