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Day 12!

Believe it or not, it was quite a challenge for me to take this photo. Our local lake is really dry, so dry that my dog can freely run along the side of it, where the water used to go 4 feet up the retaining wall, there is now 3 feet of beach there. Crazy. On the plus side, the low water allowed me to wade through these lily pads and slippery weeds on the back side of the lake to see this view, which I couldn't see a few short weeks ago without a boat. Saw lots of tadpoles and cute little frogs, couldn't control my camera in time to change the settings from landscape to micro while they waited patiently however, but that's OK! My son and I enjoyed it anyway.

Tonight there's supposed to be some cool moon photo ops according to my local weather man, so maybe...even though I promised to actually show up at my Les Mills Body Pump class tonight. It's been too long, gonna feel like I got hit by a truck! So, decisions, decisions.

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