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Showing posts from February, 2018
So, my kids have informed me that I have a "Finsta", I had no idea. A fake Instagram,  apparently. I didn't intend to use it for any nefarious purposes, I just read a lot and didn't want to bore any of my real life friends with pictures of books or unwanted book reviews. Not one of my over 400 Facebook friends is a big reader. I share my  FB page with my hubby, his idea, not mine, and his friends are into sports and music. Not reading. So, in addition to this blog, which I actually quite enjoy but it's kind of like yelling into the wind, no one reads or comments EVER, I made an Instagram account to befriend other bookaholics. Not a crime, right? Within ten minutes I can have 20 likes on a pretty picture of a book (or 10) that I am currently reading. That makes me happy. I want no Facebook drama with real life friends so I only friended other book readers/writers/collectors. If that makes me book-ist so be it! Blogger appears to be a ghost town, anyway. Sa
When it's icy, raining, and just plain freaking cold out, it's a good time for a glass (bottle) of red wine and a good sci fi book. ❤ Hope the weather is better where you are!  Have a n awesome day! Quick, before you change your mind, go download from  my  Adobe portfolio   HERE   Or my Shutterstock portfolio  HERE   Or my Getty/Istock portfolio  HERE  
We are literally getting a foot of snow this afternoon, so like everyone else, I acted as though the world was coming to an end and bought out there grocery store this morning. Gotta feed my four kids and hubby, even if I could gladly live off of Munchos and green tea. However, now that I am home, three of my kids are here safe, hubby's skidder broke down so he said the heck with it and he also is home safe. Gotta get son #3 home from work and then I will really relax. In the meantime, I am spending a few glorious hours with King Henry VIII and the Tudor Court. Bliss.  Have an awesome day! Quick, before you change your mind, go download from  my  Adobe portfolio HERE   Or my Shutterstock portfolio HERE   Or my Getty/Istock portfolio HERE  

Screw that.

Cold as heck here, the Pats lost the Superbowl so my hubby and my son's are all pouty. ( I'm a Jets fan, therefore I'm used to losing) So....this is how I'm spending today. Reading a good book and drinking a ton of coffee.  Writing blogs nobody reads and taking photos nobody else looks at is getting me down. But I'll get over it! Have an awesome day! If you're bored, check out my Adobe portfolio HERE   Or my Shutterstock portfolio HERE   Or my Istock and Getty portfolio HERE