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Showing posts from January, 2018
Insert internal screaming HERE! Ugh How am I ever going to make any kind of money selling my stock photos when I can't even find them, and I know what I'm looking for! I logged into Adobe to search through some photos, even though I tagged each one myself, I couldn't find any of my pit bull, or my lighthouse pics either. Found one tagged "maine" and "lake", but couldn't see my pit bull jumping out of water at all. So frustrating! What kind of warped algorithm do they have going on?? So, we had a beautiful snow storm, nice fluffy white snow. Did not get any good shots though, cheap cameras aren't great at photographing white with white. Came out blurry as heck. One day I will invest in a fancy camera, in the meantime I bide my time til spring when I can get out every day. I CANNOT WAIT. I'm supposed to be getting shots of Easter scenes, so I will share those HERE when I'm done! In the meantime.... Check out my Adobe portfolio

First Post This Year!

I hope you had a fun and safe New Year!  As I mentioned before, my wedding anniversary was on New Year's Eve, so my hubby took me to our favorite place for a Scorpion Bowl, or two 😉.  Took a couple of my kids with us to drive, one of the perks of having a houseful of teens, I guess!   My awesome hubby bought me flowers, of course, which I promptly disassembled and took pictures of, and played around in Photoshop,  on my NEW LAPTOP that Santa (or my son's and hubby) bought me for Christmas.  I was so excited! Still am, thus all the explanation points. (!!!) Pretty, right? They are pretty all together in their vase too, I assure you.  Ok, I took a quick pic with my cell phone, just to show he did indeed buy me a "bunch" of flowers, not just the two I edited above. :) And a card too! Since I was in such a good mood, and my profile pic on HERE is now from last year, I took a selfie, cause "Why not??